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Messages - mramanolo

General Discussion / Undefined index with use Master Form
Hello, I have 3 tables:

Lots: Id (PK, Autoincrement), LotName ...

LotsImages: Id (PK, Autoincrement), LotId, Name ...
LotsVideos: Id (PK, Autoincrement), LotId, Name ...

In the LotsImages add page add a MasterForm Lots / add and associate the FK MasterField LotId

Same procedure for LotsVideos.

When loading the data and trying to save, the errors occur Undefined index: lotsvideos,
Undefined index: lotsimages,
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ... app \ controllers \ LotsController.php: 229)

Checking the array that comes in the Post, the arrays of LotsImages and LotsVideos defined are not found.

app \ controllers \ LotesController.php: 230:
array (size = 20)
  'auctionId' => string '1' (length = 1)
  'nro' => string '2' (length = 1)
  'name' => string 'sa' (length = 2)
  'dateNac' => string '2020-09-03' (length = 10)
  'sex' => string 'M' (length = 1)
  'observations' => string '' (length = 0)
  'image' => string '' (length = 0)
  'status' => string '' (length = 0)
  'mother' => string '' (length = 0)
  'parent' => string '' (length = 0)
  'tattoo' => string '' (length = 0)
  'weight' => string '0' (length = 1)
  'ce' => string '0' (length = 1)
  'rp' => string '0' (length = 1)
  'pedigree' => string '' (length = 0)
  'otherData' => string '' (length = 0)
  'raceId' => string '1' (length = 1)
  'categoryId' => string '' (length = 0)
  'peloId' => string '' (length = 0)

Is the association of forms made correct?
Is it necessary to make another configuration?
It may be that the use of Autoincrements is incorrect in these cases

From already thank you very much
Bugs / Re: Error uploading image or file
Thank you very much, it worked perfectly.

This is a bug? because I see that it also affects when it is indicated that when deleting a record delete the file, although it performs the whole process, the confirmation popup is waiting for a response from the process.

Changing the option to False the whole process works without problems
Bugs / Error uploading image or file
I have a field where the url of an image to load is saved, while I am adding or editing a record the image is loaded in the indicated folder (uploads / photos), but when saving the record the image is deleted from the folder, losing the reference when trying to retrieve. The same happens with other files like pdf
General Discussion / Re: Menu without authentication
Thank you very much for the reply. I saw that when applying the roles it generates an If and within the Else the routes with public access are not specified.
I modified the file and it worked, but this caused the system to stop updating this file.
I don't know how to fix it.
General Discussion / Menu without authentication
Dear, I am testing the tool to make a purchase decision.
Create a project and add security, what I am trying is to show one or more menus to unauthenticated users and the rest to visiting users (without authentication), but I am not finding like this. I can access objects that were not given security, but I can't find how to edit the control through code.

It's possible?
Thank you very much for the help.