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Messages - nightcasters

General Discussion / What to back up ...
What do I need to backup if I made a project with phprad?

I copied phprad and xampp folders to a drive, but I think there is more...?

thank you
General Discussion / Re: Beginner need some help
 Still having some difficulty with this issue, I started a new project with 2 tables, customer and invoice.. pretty simple.. If I add a record  to a table, It does not plug in the user field with user id so it wont show up on the list page... Unless I actually type in the field value of the user ID.
but  It can work if add this,

  $xxx = USER_ID;
  $db->rawQuery("UPDATE invoices SET user=$xxx  WHERE id='$rec_id' ");

but shouldnt it fill this value if userid when I add a record with the add page on its own?

Is there a setting to check for this?

on authentication page there is a field call user and it is assigned to userid field.

on user record management I have user.user  and user

Am I setting this up wrong? maybe I have an issue wit reserved words or somnething?

thank you!

General Discussion / beginner question
Im trying to make a field called account a global variable so I can use it later.

I put this in the after view form of that record, but no luck.. can any please point me in the right direction.
I want to store the account number of the file called customer to a global variable to use later...

   $val = $modeldata['account'];
   function display() {
      GLOBAL $val;

General Discussion / Beginner need some help
New to this environment, I have a lot of experience with dbase on windows systems. Anyway I have a pretty simple question I made an application to start with the  data files and when I go to add a record I have to type in the value of the main user field in order for it to stay in the list of records for that user. Is there anyway to add a record where it will consistently fills in the user field with the value of the user. ?

I experimented around with a few things such as below but then I get a error 2300 which I guess means you can't update  primary field?
put this in after page.....
  $db->rawQuery("UPDATE customers SET user=$USER_ID  WHERE id='$rec_id' ");

 *********this worked..
$xxx = USER_ID;
$db->rawQuery("UPDATE customers SET user=$xxx  WHERE id='$rec_id' ");

thank you!