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Topic: I intend to buy, but some issues? (Read 8216 times) previous topic - next topic

I intend to buy, but some issues?

OK, So I would like to build simple store, web based inventory DB, with POS, with add product, add to cart, add sale, something practical, calculating quantity, to be able to export few .pdf files, send to email, auto store issued docs and some other options...
 have downloaded trial 2.7.2

1st issue? I got this msg:
trial software failed to start
string was not recognized as a valid DateTime
something went wrong. please visit for more info
is it ok?

2nd issue:
my understanding of php and JS is basic!  Here I found a lot of functions and is hard to see hole picture
Do you have more documentation for the structure? more details of the functions? 

3th issue:
search issue : so i have product table and category table,
relation is made and so category_id, calls category_name  in product.list
why search option is not searching by category?

I have few good working script for add to cart and I'm submitting by link in product.list , so $_session[product_id]  is made, but there is some delay, needs refresh.... may by due to form issue  ... or my function_count_cart is not loading first time...
question is : Are providing similar solutions for add to cart?  or we should find our self how to solve? Do you have tutorial?
Do you provide projects as simple store, simple inventory, invoice etc...?

export to word/pdf gives blank pages? why?

Re: I intend to buy, but some issues?

Reply #1
1st issue? I got this msg:

Provide a screenshot of the message.

2nd issue:
At the top of the phprad app, you will see a View Helper with a list of variables/functions and their explanations.

3th issue:
Because of issues encountered in previous versions of phprad due to search on a master-details page.

Not clear enough.

From my end everything works fine please make sure the page you are exporting contains data and that you are using default settings to make sure the issue is not with your export configuration.

Re: I intend to buy, but some issues?

Reply #2
1# see attached
2# I saw that, ok
3# So how to search, in both tables then? combined table?
4#  I want to make function_add_ to_document by session to submit information from different tables like: company_table(name,adress,email) , condition_table(case1,case2...n), product_table(prod_1,prod_2...n), partner_table(name,info,etc) and so that info will go to form_page by button "add"  right next to view,edit,delete in list.php.
question is :  Do you have function for add to session like that or  function_add_to_cart.... ?
I just like to keep in the framework in order, to keep updating site in future...
5# export to word/pdf give error see attached, excel is OK, csv gives monkeys for all Cyrillic... my BD_collation  utf8_general_ci

Re: I intend to buy, but some issues?

Reply #3
1# Go to C:\ProgramData\RadSystems\PHPRad\\ and delete this files( PHPRadClassicDefaultSettings-2.7.1.bin and PHPRadClassicDefaultSettings.bin) if they exists and start the phprad app.
3# please use the join configuration in list page properties to join tables and configure search on them.
4# yes there is a function for it, if you read through the view helper you will see that there is a function called set_cookie($name,$value,$days=30), get_cookie($name)and clear_cookie($name) with their explanation on how to use it.
5# follow this to solve the issue.

Re: I intend to buy, but some issues?

Reply #4
1#after delete file  PHPRadClassicDefaultSettings-2.7.1.bin come back over and over... /I will manage with that ...will see logs,services, reinstall.../
5# I will look on that, but not sure will work, as Cyrillic here came from mysql_db, not from language.ini

Thank you !

Re: I intend to buy, but some issues?

Reply #5
5# NO export to pdf/doc in Cyrillic is not solved by language.ini ... see attached there so restrictions as allowed_charset?

Re: I intend to buy, but some issues?

Reply #7
the aim of my project is to issue documents, so pdf export is key for me
pdf export is working fine in english/latin but not in Cyrillic?
I have try to identify where to look and few possible problems:
#browsers - same story, all browsers give same error
#collation - I have try that: changing collation in the db, but no...
#php version - 7.4.1. all looks fine for me
#font issue - ? what font uses, are they Cyrillic compatible? where to look
#report_layout.php - Maybe the key is here? - I wrote some Cyrillic  manually ... for test:  there was no error, but pdf was with monkey on that place?  css?
#maybe we should look in Warning msg:  DOMDocumentFragment::appendXML(), Warning: DOMNode::appendChild().... - some talks about...

I've study your code to find a way, but to complex for me, I'm lost


Re: I intend to buy, but some issues?

Reply #8
@dobsun‍ thanks for the info, I will pass it across to the dev team.
But first, do the following and let me know how it goes.
open this file system/BaseView.php with a code editor, locate line 743, you should see the following:
Code: [Select]
replace it with this:
Code: [Select]
$fragment->nodeValue = $html;

Re: I intend to buy, but some issues?

Reply #9
nodeValue - not working for  both English and cyr
I'm almost sure it is a font problem, but I don't know how to import Cyrillic font in dompdf
I seeking for arial cyrillic and so: here is working link:
 how to import? I saw the folder, but is not simple copy in...
Strange is that, it is the same problem for *.doc

Re: I intend to buy, but some issues?

Reply #10
@dobsun‍ Following the second answer from here, add this code
Code: [Select]
body { font-family: DejaVu Sans; }
to your custom css and preview.
If you want to follow the steps stated here, this is where you can locate the DOMPDF folder in phprad vendor\dompdf\dompdf.

Re: I intend to buy, but some issues?

Reply #11
yes, I try dejavu sans in report_layout.php... not working, modify css in dompdf -not working
I'm lost !
For testing I create ppm with two tables alphabet english and bulgarian see attached
export to pdf english is OK, bulgarian is not

Re: I intend to buy, but some issues?

Reply #12
little success !
in report_layout.php
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
in .htaccess
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

export to word document is working perfect!
export to pdf document is working, at least no errors,  but we have ? ? ? ? ? ? instead of cyrillic !
help me find a solution for that?

Re: I intend to buy, but some issues?

Reply #14
fixed, finally ! I was trying with DejaVu Sans before then with Arial so when I back to DejaVu Sans it worked!

If other have similar issue  ? ? ? ? ? ? instead of cyrillic or empty pages  or Warning msg:  DOMDocumentFragment::appendXML(), Warning: DOMNode::appendChild()....when exporting to PDF/WORD,
please do the following:

find report_layout.php
put that in head:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
in <style> find font-family and change to:
font-family: DejaVu Sans;

If your Apache is not accessible put/change this in:
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

Take care!