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Topic: Include third party plugin on PhpRad (Read 869 times) previous topic - next topic

Include third party plugin on PhpRad

Hi, there is any way to integrate a third-party plugin on PHPRad?
I want to use the plugin below

I also want to add Google Analytics too.
To add Google Analytics, I just need to add this snippet of code in any part of the page.

<!-- Google Analytics -->
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
<!-- End Google Analytics -->

The only way to use it is editing manually or there is an alternative way to do that by using some field or form on PhpRad?

Re: Include third party plugin on PhpRad

Reply #1
@claudiomg‍ you can add the code snippets for the plugins in app/views/layouts/main_layout.php, either within <head> and </head> tag or immediately before the closing </body> tag. thanks.

Re: Include third party plugin on PhpRad

Reply #2
@claudiomg‍ you can add the code snippets for the plugins in app/views/layouts/main_layout.php, either within <head> and </head> tag or immediately before the closing </body> tag. thanks.
  hello, how do you install phpword on PHPrad classic? i want to implement phpword in my PHPRad project. Thank You


Re: Include third party plugin on PhpRad

Reply #3
Open your project root and use composer to install it into the generated project as indicated in the PHPword docs then you can start writing the code for it manually.