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Topics - habesha

General Discussion / Close a modal view on clicking save

I have enabled "Modal" for adding new fields. So when I add new field the form popup but after pressing "Save" the form doesn't unload by itself.

How can i make the popup form close when a save button is clicked?

Questions / ... Export records to word

I was trying to export records to word and the record has around 5000 record. But it stops after exporting 2622 records.

How can i fix this? I am using Xamp

Thank you
Questions / PHPrad Filter Fields not loading
I created a view and added a filter component.  Checkbox component and connected it to Fields name on the view. But the filter Fields  comes empty. I tried with difference Filter components but no luck. I have data in the view though.

Anything I missed

I have strictly followed tutorial at:

Thank you.
General Discussion / Changing action buttons
Very beginners questions

I have two tables

Client (id, client_id,client_name, description)

client_bill (id,client_id,client_name,reg_fee, service_fee)

So, on billing page, i want to show list of client in the table with action button (not the default). When this action button is clicked, it should pick that client information from the row in the table and I will add reg_fee, service_fee by my self

Can I do that with no or low code?

I apologies if my question is silly. I am beginner for both PHPrad and PHP